Member Safety
Member Safety
When people envision life at a private club, the backdrop almost always includes a feeling of comfort and being at ease. As you will surely agree, one can only feel truly comfortable and at ease when they feel safe. The reality is, the world is far less safe than most of us think it is and that includes inside our private clubs.
At the extreme, modern society has seen a rise in dangerous behaviors and violence across the spectrum. These dangers are just as real in the private club environment as they are in an office building, factory or a park. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that since nothing terrible has happened yet, it won’t happen here. It can and knowing that you had the ability to use a reliable, accurate service that could have prevented an incident will be difficult to explain.

Fact based vetting of applicants is one of the simplest, most beneficial ways to help keep members safe.
Although it is true that bad things can happen anywhere, in many instances, there were signs of trouble well in advance, and Kennis specializes in finding those signs.
With many club membership rosters being comprised of those making up the top one percent of the country’s wealth, it is easy to see why opportunists would love to get close to the members, their credibility, and their money. They will use the access that your club provides as their vehicle. Fortunately, Kennis can add an additional level of protection to your club to help keep these opportunists out.
It is also important to bear in mind that new members bring family and guests with them. Those people are complete strangers, and with them come greater risk to the safety of the members.